
Vital combat statistics

1. Offensive bonus (OB) total of characters skill ranks (for example, Kalluf has 4 ranks in SPEAR which makes a bonus of +20. ranks are bought when characters passes a level), stat bonus (spear OB is derived from strength, which is for Kalluf +22), and misc bonus (if Kalluf finds an iron spear it would be +15 spear) Kalluf`s bonus is +42. Different weapons are used in a different way. Spear can be held in one or two hands, but there is an -40 penalty for using it in one hand, which can be overcomed with very high strength, but in that case fighter can also carry a shield which grants +30 or more defense (we are here talking about 2.5m heavy boar spear, not javelin). It can also be thrown some very shot distance. Spear has an unique ability to grant one free strike vs enemy with short weapon, but if enemy tries to come close and succeeds, the spear wielder is at -30.

2. Defensive bonus (DB): agility bonus - armor penalty + adrenal defense (dodge skill) + shield or parrying weapon +/- misc. Adrenal defense can be only be acquired by fighters, is very costly skill, and is halved if used with heavier armor. Shield gives DB against missiles and melee, and different shields give different bonuses. Andigo carries a small target shield, not bigger than a big eating plate, which is tied to a hand a is used to block directly coming missile strikes. That shield gives +25 vs missiles and only +15 vs melee. Normal shield gives +30 to both DB`s. Heavier armors give penalties to DB, but block weaker strikes and reduce damage from stronger ones.

3. Armour type (AT) is type of armor worn. 1-4=clothes and hides, 5-8=soft leather, 9-12=rigid or stuffed leather, 13-16=plate armor. Heavier armor is harder to learn to wear, is very expensive, makes fighter strategically/tactically slow, etc. Some weapons are specialized for fighting against armored targets, but they are medievall weapons so they are mostly cannot beacquireded in this game (mace, warhammer, warmattock).

4. Hit points. Ok, you know what that is. But unlike in D&D in RoleMaster you can die of a critical hit even if your hit points are still there. Hit points are derived from strength and are bought at every level.

5. Rounds. Usually everybody can perform one action in a round. Quick fighters can have 1.5, 2 or more and for firing some weapons or use spells you may have to wait more than one round

6. Initiative. Determines order of play within a round. It is determined by dice, but bonuses are given each round, depending on the situation

Your characters and the way they fight


Has a spear and a bow. Must burrie tip of the spear in the ground to take a bow (1 round), and can retake the spear in the same fashion. Has no shield.


Throw tomahawks at enemies at short/medium distances, and blocks enemy missiles with his shield. In close quarters he can use one tomahawk as melee weapon, and when he is very afraid random spells often strike his enemies. His tomahawk skill can be used for handaxe or thrown hatchet, but they are more expansive as they have metal instead of stone tip, and are a big waste if thrown and not recovered


Has a shortsword, one blocking dagger and two throwing daggers. His skill for blocking dagger is still not high enough to add to DB, but will in the future.