Apr 1, 2011


Exapmle combat: Port fight

This is an example combat. We will actualy throw dices for this combat, but you cannot die in it, just disgrace yourself :-).

After Xendex suggested to the party to see where that bloodthirsty priest is and to teach him a lesson. Kalluf, Andigo and Falco cought him in the port as his was arranging for a sail boat to take him to his island. A very tall monk is besides him, he saw the party, and warned his master. The boat captain is tough looking guy, armed with a sword, but you are not sure will he defend the priest. There sailors from another ship are near, and is unclear how they will respond, but generaly they often worship The waters of life cult the priest belongs to. The longer the whole affair lasts, more sailor may come.

We will use the rotating system of leadership like in the very game after the prologue. Kalluf leads this turn, and Andigo and Falco must follow his general strategy, but also have to declare their planned actions (Falco may declare he is charging the priest to push him in the water or may declare he first wants to throw the daggers, but will shoot for the legs, as Xendex said no one may die, or whatever, as long as it is in concordance with Kallufs strategy). So, Kalluf must post first. You must declare if you use blunt sides of your weapons which will lessen the damage but is safer for the targets life, or use weapons normaly which may make problems for you, or use weapons normaly only if fight goes bad.

You can talk as well as fight, and talk while fighting. Go.


Mar 31, 2011



As Xendex, Daleanus, Andigo and Kalluf were walking towards Falco, Andigo having to walk some distance in the front. Kalluf curiously asked Lord Xendex:

-Does curse vary to each person?
(How well the question was placed: 49 / Xendex throws a resistance to check how much he will hide from an innocent individual asking about something he need to know for his security: 74) 
-I`m not sure. For now keep this walking distance. I am sure he can tell you more himself based on his own experience.

After a short introduction between everybody and satisfactory answers form Kalluf and Andigo on the topic of their readiness to do something for themselves, the pleasant atmosphere was shattered when Lord Xendex asked Falco to reveal how much money he stashed and where it is.
- That's gone!  I sent it off with the pirates when I heard you were coming.  But even if I had it still I wouldn't tell you where it is.
(acting : 51 / Xendex throws a resistance check to acting: 45)
Xandex rolls his eyes, not wanting to argue with Falco
(semi fail)

As Xendex kept explaining the importance of the mission to persuade Falco to tell about the money, Falco interrupted him asking why Xendex thinks he would be willing to risk his life for the interests of wealthy merchants, as all he wants is to have a permission to come home if he wanted and there is sure something else he could do instead of attacking some new Evil threat.
- There's a reason why I left my father's house when I was ten.  You know, Lord Xendex that I don't trust your class of society.  Xendex you're a joke.  You can send these two to die but, I'm not going!
(propaganda +35: 87 / Xendex throws a resistance check not to hit Falco on the spot: 77)
Falco`s word make a big impression on everybody around, and Xendex is obviously angry.

The atmosphere is now changed to one of more equality instead of one telling the other what to do. Kalluf jumps in with a question:
- What other risks are you not telling us?
(Presence check: 58 / Xendex rolls propaganda +55: 42)
- There may be many dangers. The road to Iho is long and dangerous...there are wild animals and barbarians...who knows...
- You must think we are expenduble!, Kalluf said, as he thought of the word which sounds very smart.
(General roll: 14)
But he didn’t say it the right way. Daleanus and Andigo quietly giggled.
(big fail)

Falco decided to risk and act as he is leaving as these two are no help: one is not speaking at all and the other one is just a stupid fighter. He hopes Xendex and Daleanus will ask him to stay and offer something. He trips and falls on his head, breaking his nose.
(acting: 03 low open ended, 93: total -90)

Daleanus comes to help his cousin and after few warm words Falco accepts to go on the quest. He tells Xendex he has about 400 gold in his stash, but he has to keep at least 100 for the future, and 300 can go for hiring barbarians. Xendex accepts and promises he will add 300 of his own money.

Andigo says:
- I believe you tripped on your own this time, sorry if you think its my bad luck. By the way, can I get a walking staff of some sort? If you say I am a magician to be and not a cursed soul as I think I am, I`m going to need some sort of a staff.
(begging +50 bonus for not asking more questions: 40)
- Well...I think I saw a nice staff in the hand of that priest who wanted to throw you off the cliff, Xandex said...its only fair you know take something of his. Just don’t kill anybody.

/the prologue will continue/

Mar 29, 2011

The Prologue

It was anything but the ordinary day in the usually busy and more-less peaceful town of Kimio. After the sinking of one of the local trading ships only hours after it took sail a few days before, which took several lives, people soon began to blame the local herb dealer Andigo for the misfortune as very often those who had been involved with him suffered minor unexplainable incidents. Andigo was thrown to prison and one of the influential priests of the nearby island temple in Cardussa, where waters of life are worshiped, popular with sailors, suggested Andigo should be given the trial of the sea. If he survives fall from the cliffs of Kimio to the sea, he is blameless, and if the sea takes him, it was to be the sign that he had cursed the sailors or the ships, or maybe the whole Kimio bay. Usually, the harder criminals are not trialled in Kimio, but in mother city of Afstasia, but on this occasion the crowd got carried away with the priests suggestion and demanded that Andigo be immediately put to the “test”,  and the mayor and Palogen, the highest noble around didn’t object, as he was personally co owner of the sunken ship. Andigo was put to the pole in the town square where criminals are often put for public display and the priest was talking about appeasing the sea as the whole town gathered, when from the back the sound of excited babble came and the crowd had split, opening the way for about a dozen warriors in bright iron armours and lots of sophisticated heraldry of the highest houses of the Eastern League.

Kalluf was in the crowd, watching without much interest, when he saw Lord Xendex himself heading the party and his blood boiled. Xendex is the most noble warrior in the Eastern league, who killed many Evil monsters and sorcerers and was always followed, as now, by a group of strongest fighters from his city of Filo, the biggest city on the eastern shore of Ung, all nobles and all in iron. They are marching without servants and in armour, which means they are on some important quest, and are expecting combat, surely against the Evil, as there are no intercity wars at the present. Maybe if he is allowed to speak to someone from the party, they can tell him how to get a job as a soldier or a guard in some even better place than Kimio...

Falco was the only guest in the tavern at that moment, and several times he had to order costly foreign beer just to keep the owner from closing down, as everybody from the tavern were eager to see the trial of that young warlock. Having pity for anybody facing execution, guilty or not he was not going to attend the charade, and he was anyway waiting for his cousin Daleanus to arrive with Lord Xendex the whole morning. He was probably the only person informed about their arrival (he heard the information from pirates who all fled the coastal camps in fear of Xendex) in the town, which was good, as he will have the time to speak to Daleanus before the upper classes snatch them all and tug them to banquets and give them other honours. He saw the party from afar and waited by the road. Xendex just gave him a look, fortunately not recognizing him as an outlaw and they went by, but Daleanus gave him the sign to wait right there.

Andigo listened to accusations from the priest and was hoping all will end fast as he started to feel the strange sensation, an awful feeling of something terrible building up in him, a kind of storm. He felt the same way once before when he was held knife under his neck by a robber, and it than stopped as soon as he took his possessions and released him. But he felt its not going to stop this time, this awful storm in him.

Lord Xendex shouted:
-You, the priest, get out of my sight - NOW!

The priest tried to speak, but as Xendex made a few steps towards him and the pole with Andigo tied to it he quickly disappeared into the crowd. Lord Xendex came to Andigo, untied him, and other warriors from the group made a circle around them, weapons lowered, as no one from the crowd did object in face of such majestic warriors.

Kalluf approached one of them.
-Sir. Can I ask you something?
-I was a hunter and a  trapper in the westland woods. I came here to join the port guard but they don’t want me, as I’m stronger than their captain and, pardon me sir, not kissing behinds of local nobles. Do you know any city or a town where I could find an employment? Being a trapper isn’t much of a living, you know. I am good with a spear...
-All right, all right. Stand behind me.

And the warrior let Kalluf into the circle mad of man in iron. Kalluf was proud beyond description. This noble spoke to him as to his equal, and standing here with Xendexes companions made him believe he will one day maybe be a part of some elite force like this, fighting Evil, barbarians, pirates, or anybody else.

Xendex spoke:
-Is it possible you forget the law and make summary executions based on the word of one priest!? Tell Palogen I am very disappointed in him. You people cannot make a distinction between a wild mage and a warlock? This poor soul will be a precious asset to the League once he is properly trained to use his talent, and you almost killed him. Be off, all of you, except those who want to offer hospitality to my party, there’s 14 of us, one guest per house, as I don’t intend to stay in the Palogens palace as long he lets his town to be controlled by senile priests!

The crowd dispersed and few heads of richer families approached the party. Arrangements were made, and all the fighters except Lord Xendaex and the one Kalluf was talking to were in the square, Kalluf right there.

Daleanus said:
- Lord, my worthless cousin Falco is here. He wants to see me, probably to ask forgiveness for his dealings with the pirates. Can I speak with him?
- I saw him. I`ll speak with him myself. I he is sincere and proves it, maybe there’s a chance. I would hate to see your uncle`s business falling to the hands of that despicable Crut, and old Harry want be there much longer. Who is this?
- My name is Kalluf, Lord. I seek employment in League’s armed forces.
-Ha! There’s no such thing. Come, we will talk later. You, what your name?
-Are you the wicked warlock they say you are?
- I don’t know. I am cursed, I know that much.
Xendex turned to Daleanus.
- He was on the verge of banging, you know...
-I saw it too.
Champion of Filo turned back to Andigo.
- You go 50 feet in front of us. I don’t want to triple against my own sword right now. We shall go to the north road.

So Lord Xendex, Daleanus, Andigo and Kalluf went to the crossroads where Falco waited. After a few minutes, as Xendex inquired how sincere Falco is about his intentions, how resolute Kalluf is about becoming a respectable warrior, and is there any willpower left in Andigo to make him take a long road towards controlling his “talent”, which was very hard as Andigo is sure he is not a wild mage, as in that case he should be able cast beneficial spells, at least sometimes.

After he was satisfied with all three young man, Lord Xendedx said:

-Listen to me carefully. Andigo, the only way you can escape you “curse”, as you call it, is to travel to Kellasia...I know it is a long way from here, but I can explain you in detail how to find one man who can help you. He is know as Shieldmaker of Iho, and I will write you the directions on this parchment, it will take you about three months to get there on foot, as I don’t recommend travelling by boat with your luck. Please, take this advice. I cannot tell you anything more about the Shieldmaker now, but believe me it is the only way.

Falco, you idiot...With the same energy you showed in organizing criminal gangs, you could by now be one of the richest merchants and most influential political figures in your home town, and one day in the League. But what has been, has been. The most important thing is you are not charged for murder anywhere. I know you have lost of money stashed somewhere and you will tell me where it is...I’m glad you understand why that must be. I will send that money to Iho by boat and it will wait for you there to be used for  a good cause. West of Iho is Velguard`s pass, a very important passage for incense and crafts from the north to Ung. It is now blocked for some time by Evil, a strange new kind of man-controlling mage, which concerns me very much as there was no occasion so far which I know of when evil mage could control man for prolonged time. You must hire local barbarians north of Iho in consultation with the Shieldmaker and clear the pass. That will bring back important trade root for the Eastern coast and you will than be more than welcome to come back as someone who is both a hero and a benefactor. If you die at least you will clear your name and name of your family.

Kalluf, your mission is to escort these two, as you seem to be the only reliable one, and to come  back to me in the fall to report how the preparations for taking the pass are going, and does Shieldmaker needs me for the fight.

Here’s some gold to cover your expenses, and remember to always walk at least 100 ft from Andigo. You can meet and talk several times a day for short periods, as I believe only the prolonged staying in his immediate company triggers the “curse”.

Any questions?